
Event Calendar
January New Year’s Day If you stay with us on New Year’s Eve, we will take you to a nearby shrine where you can see in the New Year with a hatsumode ceremony. Other celebrations include a New Year hakozen boxed meal at our restaurant Fukusuke, a traditional lion dance (shishimai), ceremonial pounding of rice to make rice cakes (mochitsuki) and vouchers for free entry to the hot spring.
Nanakusa (The Festival of Seven Herbs) You can enjoy okayu (rice porridge) containing the seven herbs eaten on this day.
Kagami-biraki (Ceremonial Cutting of a Rice Cake) You can enjoy zenzai (red bean soup with toasted rice cakes).
February Setsubun (Bean Throwing Festival) Enjoy celebrations such as a special Setsubun gozen meal at our restaurant Fukusuke. You can also buy marukaburi sushi.
March Momo no Sekku (Doll Festival) Enjoy celebrations such as a special Doll Festival gozen meal at our restaurant Fukusuke. You can also buy hina-chirashi sushi.
Special Performances at Kagura Dome
May Special Golden Week services
Satsuki Senbatsu Kagura Competition
June Join our firefly viewing tours from mid-June to mid-July (overnight guests only).
July Kagura Koshien (High School Kagura Championship)
August Special Bon Festival services
September Midori Children’s Kagura Recital
Midori Kagura Recital
October Jugoya (Moon Viewing Festival)
November Hiroshima Kagura Grand Prix
December Special Winter Holiday services
Winter Solstice Enjoy celebrations such as a special pumpkin dish at our restaurant Fukusuke and a special yuzu bath at Iwatoya.
New Year’s Eve Enjoy celebrations such as special New Year soba noodles if you spend the night at Kagura Monzen Toji Village.
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